Content (en-GB)

Metal injection molding (MIM) offers a great deal of freedom in component design and makes this mass production process for metallic components unique. Metal powder injection molding can be used to produce extremely complex components in just "one shot", which go through numerous production steps via other manufacturing processes.

In order to get the most out of the process, it is advisable to observe the following design guidelines:

The basic prerequisite for additive design is to separate oneself from any thought or experience of conventional with conventional manufacturing methods. So don't think in square building blocks, but shape your component as if you had modelling clay.  Let your imagination run free and ask yourself how nature would solve your component or construction project.

In order to get the most out of the process, it is advisable to observe the following design guidelines:

MIMplus Technologies offers its customers a "full service" from development to series production: Right from the first drafts, our project management advises you on the optimum design of the component for the MIM process and accompanies you professionally through the entire project up to series production.

Sustainability is an integral part of the corporate philosophy at MIMplus Technologies. We regard efforts towards protecting the environment and preserving it for the future generations. For MIMplus it is not only a sign of ecological foresight but also a proof of ecological responsibility. We strive to conserve resources, use them sparingly and minimize harmful impact on the environment.